Conferences & Webinars

An academic International conference begins with inclusion of most brilliant mind and a world class platform. We at CRF Conferences know that very well due to the vast experience and history of events across the globe. While every step of organizing and managing an event is important, we believe in collaboration and partnering with likeminded institutions and individuals. We try to include all streams of academic conference under one banner. All events are planned dynamically and hosted in different geographical location to facilitate different demography. Our team of experts will make sure every step of planning and hosting events with their professionalism and innovative approach. With our initiative to make our presence Globally, we outreach to universities to aid their research program with acclaimed program dedicated to support researchers and academicians to showcase their research findings. This program enables us to host in house conferences for universities and colleges. CRF Connects also perform other programs such as workshops and Webinars. Motto of this program is to reduce gap between academics research & Industrial application, We encourage to create an equilibrium between engineers, scientists and researchers.

Our Partners


Open access e-publication CRF journal collections includes all streams of study in the domain of Science, Engineering, Social Science, Management, Education pioneering a state of art publication unit capturing the dialogue between academic and industrial research. We deliver new edge open access research journals having high valued research articles from their respective disciplines and sub-disciplines. All Journals are published in International platform and having Editorial board member from reputed Universities and Research institutes from diverse nation. From Article submission to review to publication, our team will guide you through our publishing process. Their experience helps to ensure that your work becomes available rapidly in journals that provide high quality context for your research.


CRF is creating a transparent space for publication in various scope of studies and research. Today we need many forms of publication to support our research, these can be Articles, Books, Journals, Archives, Conference papers, Free research resources, Market research, Newspapers, Patents, etc. CRF Publication services clubs all the requirement for our members to get access to Digital space of multidimensional open access program. This program not only provide open access but also allow our members to get published with our allied publication houses. All publications are backed by widely accepted indexing forums such as Scopus, WOS, UGC, DOI, DOAJ, Google Scholor, etc.

Language Support

Publication at International platform require a clear understanding of your research work penned down in a simple and effective script, also in the most acceptable language. Publication in a reputed Journal/Publisher require to go through various parameter considering Research, Technical/Scientific aspect and language used. It is very necessary to put all elements in proper presentation. An academic paper must undergo a complete review process. If it doesn’t meet the requirement specially English language and presentation requirements, your valuable contribution can go unnoticed. For the countries where they give emphasis to their native language this can be a problem for academic writers, especially for ESL authors who face a greater challenge. This is where we can contribute with our quality academic editing services. All of our academic editors are highly-vetted for their English language expertise. In addition, they are all PhD or Master’s level subject area experts in their respective fields. We assure your article will be dealt with utmost precision and quality. 1. scientific review editing 2. Enhancement of research 3. Copy editing

Plagiarism check

Research is a wide field and millions of researchers are joining each day. Following the trends, sometimes people lead to duplication of work. To help fellow researchers we have created this program, which will help them to track the plagiarism score their research further our team can mentor them to have a desirable research article. Plagiarism check involves all mesures to detect any form of duplication after evaluating the text against billions of internet sources, you will be provided with a plagiarism score showing the percentage of text that is an exact or near-match to existing text online. Analysis will be categorised in 3 groups for better understanding of the article. 1. Contextual Analysis 2. Fuzzy Matching 3. Conditional Scoring These divisions will help author to address the issues properly.

Publication Collaboration

We at CRF believes on progress through partnership, CRF constantly look for potential contributors in the journey of exploring new dimension in the field of research and science. We wish to maximize our reach so that we can connect to Institutions and individuals working on the goal of making the world a better place, through their belief and hard work.